XC shooling and ‘GHE cam’

I booked some time off work to go and do some more winter regional point hunting at BD, but sadly missed the entry date so quick change of plan and off XC schooling we went instead. XC instead of dressage? I’m not complaining!

I charged up my hat cam and strapped it on to my hat to see what I could capture, unfortunately I didn’t screw it in position quite tight enough and so it dropped down a little too low with all the jumping up and down. The gopro lens thankfully has a huge range of field so even though it was mounted a little too low I did get some usable footage.

Here is my first attempt at ‘GHE cam’ out and about on course…

I’m hoping that I can wear it on the xc for my next event, we will see…

gp1 Untitled-3

Dustry loves the water and wasn’t too bad at sheep herding either! Maybe a career as a stock man’s horse beckons?

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