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socky socky lucky lucky win win!

Yes I’ve finally cracked! Coming up with good blog titles is harder than it looks you know! So what’s the meaning of all this nonsense? Well horsey people are no strangers to superstition and when it comes to competition rituals I think I am fairly typical. Having a pair of lucky socks is one of my superstitions.        Now I’m sure most people imagine that one would have just the sole pair of ‘lucky socks’ right? Wrong! lucky socks for me are the last successful pair of socks that I wore in competition. If I hit the deck…

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How to make a pom pom for your riding hat silk

When I noticed that the button had fallen off my hat silk I decide to make a pom pom to cover the hole. Here’s a how to guide if you fancy making a pom pom for your hat silk too! You will need: Wool in a colour of your choice (If you’re feeling adventurous then you can use more than one colour wool for a marbled effect. I chose white as my XC colours are green and white) Some cardboard, an old box will do Scissors, a pen, a mug, 2p, and a large eyed needle Draw round the mug…

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Crazy things come in 3’s @ Tweseldown 80cm ODE

I haven’t been to Tweseldown since 2009, so it was really nice to take a trip back there for Dustry’s 4th and final ODE of his short debut eventing season. We had afternoon times so went early with plenty of time to walk the course in the morning. It was a scorcher of a day, not what I was expecting for late September at all! As we walked further round the course the layers came off and when we finished we sat in the shade watching the show jumping for a while with a nice cold drink and bacon butty!…

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Dressage seriously? Why is it SO hard!

As long as I live I don’t think I will ever be able to accurately predict the mark of my dressage tests. What I feel, what Dustry goes like, and what the judge sees are 3 apparently unrelated elements if our recent tests and results are anything to go by! The problem with dressage is….I like it, I would go so far as to say I actively enjoy it (shock horror!) I get a real buzz out of our flatwork lessons and being able to take D out to strut his stuff in the competition arena is really fun……really fun…

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Dustry’s 3rd ODE @ Elmwood Equestrian – 6th place!

Success!!!! Yay we came 6th!!! Right now I’ve got that out of my system this is how the day panned out. We arrived at Elmwood nice and early and having walked the XC the day before all I needed to do was casually get ready and focus on phase 1. Dustry was super chilled as I had given him some Protexin Quick Fix to settle his stomach and any butterflies he might have, as a result he warmed in really well, no freak outs, no random kung fu, just attentive and focussed. Pleased with his warm up we went into…

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Collecting chest freezers, painting stables, and preparing for our third ODE

This time of year I go into ‘spring cleaning and winter preparation mode’. Whilst it’s still technically summer and Dustry is living out 24/7 I get cracking with all my pre-winter prep. First up his stable gets a make over, I pressure wash out all the cobwebs and am currently halfway through repainting the white walls which look decidedly grubby and poo splattered after last winter. This year I have roped my Daddyo into helping me with some stable modifications too. I want to put a clear roof panel in so that it acts as a skylight making his box…

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From racehorse to dressage diva to eventer to show pony!

I love thoroughbreds! I am pretty sure I have said this several times before but they really are my favourite breed of horse. For all their high maintenance ways, and occasional histrionics I wouldn’t swap them for anything else. They aren’t easy and Dustry has by far been the most challenging one I have owned to date, but he’s maturing into the most versatile and useful little horse now. He’s become my ‘Bird’s Eye Potato Waffle Pony’ because he’s ‘waffley versatile’ Our last few competitions have seen him making his eventing debut, strutting his stuff at BD, and attempting his…

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Behind the scenes with Mountain Horse! Spring/Summer 2014 shoot

During a recent glamorous motorway services based pow wow with my sponsor Mountain Horse we came up with a list of ideas for some collaborative activities, and last weekend we ticked the first item off the list. I tagged along to Mountain Horse’s video shoot for their 2015 Spring/Summer collection and embarked on some covert filming of the team in action as the day panned out. You can see the video I made of the day below. To look through the full behind the scenes album of images I took click here (they are all on Mountain Horse’s Facebook page)…

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Show jump schooling, just can’t get enough!

I popped to a local arena and dragged Mummy Groom with me to be chief pole-putter-upper and camera man whilst I schooled D over a little course of jumps. It was SCORCHING and we were under attack from flying ants by the end of the session, but all in all it was a very productive outing. I get a bit ‘rabbit in the headlights’ when competing at SJ so I’m trying to get in more independent schooling sessions so that I can build up my experience and learn to think for myself, rather than freeze and kick! Pretty chuffed with…

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Enjoying the benefits of aloe vera thanks to new sponsor Aloeride!

I’ve dabbled with aloe vera products for myself (excellent as an after sun product, I found that out the painful way!) and my horses from time to time, but I’ve never used them consistently as part of my horse’s care or nutrition that is until now… I recently decided to trial a month’s supply of Aloeride supplement for Dustry because he had come out of the winter looking much leaner than I wanted and despite giving him 3 feeds a day, ad lib hay, and always making sure he wasn’t losing any condition by being appropriately rugged he wasn’t putting…

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