More SJ and XC prep

Dustry and I have been out and about brushing up on our jumping skills for the past few weeks, and regular jumping is working wonders for both of us. He’s going from strength to strength and I’m getting to grips with just how forwards and powerful the jumping canter needs to be.

We went off to Lyneham Heath Equestrian on Monday 31st, and they very kindly let us school over the XC despite it being closed as we had booked in advance, and only wanted to pop the little fences.

This is Dustry’s 3rd ever time XC schooling and over rustic fences, he last jumped a XC fence in May 2013! Well he has grown up SO MUCH he was simply fantastic, perfectly behaved and didn’t stop once!

We jumped logs, ditches, palisades, steps, drops, water, step into water, log out of a gully, and a few houses. I was most pleased with how he went through the water, and over the ditch. He really enjoyed himself and was keen to canter on and tackle any obstacle I pointed him at. He is also really brave down drops and we did the biggest drop we have done to date (approx 2’9”) he simply lept off it brave as a lion!

Here’s a little video of us popping through the water then over a house, more power needed to make it more fluid on landing, but it’s a start

and over a little false trakhena

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