Midweek indoor schooling and grid-work

indoor arenaThroughout the winter months it is so hard to keep up regular jumping sessions, when it’s so wet and windy that the fences fall down and float away before you even have the chance to jump them you know it’s time to admit defeat!

Thankfully I have discovered a new indoor venue right on my doorstep and it’s available to hire midweek after work, fantastic!!!

dustry grid workSo I tacked up and set off in the lorry (with mummy groom) for some flatwork and grid-work in the comfort of an indoor arena, luxury!

I worked on the flat for 30 mins and finished with a little grid. The grid needs to be approached in trot, 2 canter strides in the middle and a parallel out. The idea of the grid is to make him shorten, sit back on his hocks, and work to push off and over the fence. He jumped through really well, finishing over a nice parallel.

Jumps away, back in the lorry, and Dustry was all tucked up and in bed by 8pm – perfect!

Here’s a little video of him through the grid

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