Today we went in search of points! This year my dressage aim is to qualify for the British Dressage Winter Regional Finals, and for that at Prelim level we need to gain 19 ‘prelim points’ in winter qualifier classes.
We arrived at the venue, tacked up and started to warm up in the indoor and IT WAS HOT!!! Thankfully we were allowed to compete without jackets which made it much more comfortable. The first test was a bit lack luster, Dustry sort of dried up on me in the arena which resulted in a trip into the walk as he wasn’t forwards enough, a late transition, and a step back in the halt. Those 3 errors cost us dearly and we scored just 65%. This placed us 3rd and bagged us 3 prelim points.
I popped back to the lorry and put my spurs on and waited until I had only 2 horses before me so that I could get Dustry going really well in the warm up, but crucially not wear him out! The 2nd test was MUCH BETTER and almost felt like one of the best test I’ve ever ridden on him. He was really biddable, attentive and obedient, and as a result scored a really pleasing 68.6% and another 3rd. 1st place was on 69.3 2nd on 68.8% so it was very tight at the top.
Prelim points are awarded from 65% upwards in the following way
60% – 61.99% = 1 point
62% – 63.99% = 2 points
64% – 65.99% = 3 points
66% – 67.99% = 4 points
68% – 69.99% = 5 points
70% – 71.99% = 6 points
72% or above = 7 points
so our second test netted us a further 5 points, 8 in total for the outing….just another 11 to find for the qualification!!!
Whilst waiting for the results the organizer who also happens to be a magician showed us a card trick, now that’s not something you see at a dressage competition every day!!!
Our next point collecting mission (I think) will be Sparsholt in a few weeks time, after that I hope to take Dustry to his 2nd little ODE at the start of July.