Dustry does ‘dressage pony’

Finally the weather has improved and Dustry’s summer coat is coming through, he’s starting to look really smart now and is turning a lovely bright bay all over. His hacking education is coming on well and the other day we went out for a 45min walk and trot hack round the farm with Jack as ‘sensible company’. Jack did not exactly live up to his role, but Dustry didn’t care and boldly strode on past all supposedly ‘spooky areas’  completely non-plussed by tractors, rollers, other horses, XC fences, 4x4s, signs, and pheasants. Yesterday we did some more schooling and he’s really starting to get the idea about working on the bit. His outline isn’t established yet but he’s getting there, and I’m really pleased with his attitude to work, he just gets on with it and tries his best. I think I’m going to find it hard to part with this little horse even though I have sold on several ‘projects’ in the past because he is exactly what I would look for if I was going to buy myself a youngster, but I definitely cannot afford to keep and compete 3 so here’s hoping a lovely 5* home awaits him…

N.B. He is snaffled mouthed but wears a happy mouth gag on the snaffle ring in the pics because I forgot I had that bit still on my bridle from a previous jumping lesson! Duurrrr!

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