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GHE has its 1st sponsor yipeeeee!

Our first sponsor is a fab website called it provides FREE equestrian classifieds advertising horses, ponies, and equipment  for sale, as well as an events directory which is also FREE! I’m off to do a couple of dressage tests next Saturday so I will be taking lots of flyers with me to put in the entries tent, and on people’s windscreens. Hopefully it will generate some visits for ‘ridemyhorse’ and if you have a free moment why not take a look yourself…

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Gift Horse Eventing is out the starting box!…

Hiya and welcome to the Gift Horse Eventing blog. I’m Chloe a competitive amateur event rider from Wiltshire looking for sponsorship. I work a regular 9-5 job in affiliate marketing, but every spare daylight hour I get I try to school, compete, and take care of my horse. Here’s a little background info on my equestrian education. I have ridden since I was a nipper, working my way through the ranks with the Tedworth, and Royal Artillery pony clubs. I moved onto horses after dabbling in polo, polocrosse, and carriage driving with my outgrown ponies. My first horse was a…

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