Gift Horse Eventing is out the starting box!…

Hiya and welcome to the Gift Horse Eventing blog. I’m Chloe a competitive amateur event rider from Wiltshire looking for sponsorship. I work a regular 9-5 job in affiliate marketing, but every spare daylight hour I get I try to school, compete, and take care of my horse.

Here’s a little background info on my equestrian education. I have ridden since I was a nipper, working my way through the ranks with the Tedworth, and Royal Artillery pony clubs. I moved onto horses after dabbling in polo, polocrosse, and carriage driving with my outgrown ponies. My first horse was a funny little Heinz 57 critter who moved like a goat, but could jump the moon, and I have him to thank for all my formative jumping experience.

Toffee - Snap Farm 1994 Toffee - Snap Farm Hunter Trial 1996

I competed him for my school, local riding club, and up to British Eventing Pre-Novice competitions, and was sad to retire him, but he was at the very top of his game, and it was time to move on.

No breaks! Flying over the last fence of Kingsclere Cubhunter course Royal Bath & West Pre Novice

Having done 3 seasons of affiliated eventing I was bitten by the bug so set about looking for a more capable mount. Money (as always with horses) was an issue so I scoured the classifieds for my future event horse. Sadly I ended up with ‘Soap’. Registered by Weatherbys as ‘Playing Dirty’ my ex-racer soon picked up the nickname ‘Soap’. He was a sorry collection of fur, and bones when I got him but he was mine, a bargain, and he was going to be an eventer, he just didnt know it yet!

Soap - Mattingley BE90/Intro Soap - Lackham BE90/Intro

After 2 years of re-schooling, and hard work we are now competing in British Eventing Intros, and I can safely say that ‘Soap’ and I are now well on our way to becoming a successful competitive partnership. The reason I have started this blog, and the search for sponsorship is because I now find myself with the time, the transport, the ability, and the horse with which to compete, but am falling short when it comes to financial backing. The main aim of this blog is to keep my sponsors updated on the result of their sponsorship, and to show them it in action with photos, videos, and links updated regularly.

Being an amateur rider I compete locally, and would like to work closely with local equestrian businesses in order to promote their service at all the events I attend whilst I’m either competing, spectating, or grooming for friends. I have a history of sales, and advertising experience, and think I would make an enthusiastic and informative representative for any company. I think the aptly matched combination of a local rider promoting local equestrian businesses, at local events is a targeted approach which should yield sales, and increase brand awareness for all of my sponsors. I’m open to the idea of working closely with sponsors keeping in constant contact, and bouncing ideas around, or if you prefer to make a donation, and take a back seat that’s fine too.

My main aim is to build a fund of about £1000 by March 2009 which will pay for me to take my trailer towing test so that I can be independent, and will cover the cost of roughly half my entry fees for 2009.

So….that’s the basics now all I have to do is secure some sponsors!..


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