Cool leg protection for Dustry

It suddenly dawned on me the other day as I was booting Dustry up to ride that the brushing boots I was using were about 4th generation hand me downs! After a bit more thought I realised that they were in fact the original Woof Wear boots that came with my very first pony over 20 years ago! Credit has to go to Woof Wear for making such robust and hard wearing boots, and I haven’t thrown them away because they are still in perfect condition so they have gone into the tack shed as spares.

Taking advantage of their Facebook discount code giving 25% off and because I have heard a lot of good recommendations I bought some air cooled brushing boots from Premier Equine. The boots have little vents which allow the air to flow through and keep the legs cool. They fitted a treat and I’m really impressed with the quality, and fit.

I bought white ones so that they will match our xc colours when we eventually get out and about competing together! I schooled for over 30mins and when I took the boots off his legs were definitely cooler than usual and hadn’t sweated up at all, so thumbs up!

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