That awkward moment when you lose a sponsor…

I’ve spent the last 7 years decked out in the latest and greatest Mountain Horse gear, from head to toe I’ve been warm, well shod and waterproof, but today I sadly got the official news that their sponsorship has to come to an end.

When I first contacted Mountain Horse back in Jan 2009 I was overjoyed by the positive response I got, and when my first delivery of goodies arrived I almost spontaneously combusted with excitement. My speculative email had some how done the trick and here I was riffling through a box jam packed with ridiculously lovely gear, all brand new, and all for me!

Skip forward a few years and I’ve had the fantastic opportunity to take part in photo shoots, a lesson with Ruth Edge for Your Horse Magazine, and take a sneaky peak behind what goes into marketing and managing such a popular equestrian brand. Best of all I’ve got to make new friends with fellow sponsored riders, photographers and my point of contact ‘Angie’ without her all this wouldn’t have been possible – Huge thanks Angie you’re the best, and good luck in your new endeavour!

It’s been so fun and enjoyable to be even a small part of their marketing mix, that I am truly sad to no longer be working with them (and not just because I’ll have to buy my own breeches from now on! 😉 )

Changes within the company mean that UK business is now going to be handled in Mountain Horse’s homeland of Sweden, and sponsorship activity will be on the back burner until 2017. Who knows what will happen next year…we’ll have to wait and see…

So here’s a round up of some of my fave Mountain Horse moments across the years. Oh and if you’re considering some new riding togs check Mountain Horse, they really do make some pretty darn good gear!

My first Mountain Horse delivery!


Behind the scenes with MH shooting a sneak peek video!

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Taking part in their autumn/winter product shoot

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MH has been with me ‘wear ever I go’

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Official shot from the shoot

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Great gear that takes a battering and cleans up like new!

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More posing!


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Petplan BD Dressage Area Festivals head to toe in MH competition gear


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A Merry Mountain Horse Christmas to me!


Taking cross country colour coordination to a new level!

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Mountain Horse Selfie with fellow sponsored rider Goose Leigh, Angie and Photographer Matt

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The MUST HAVE MH boots of 2015  20150308_143329-e1426008455859-768x1024 20150308_150222-1024x768

Lesson with MH sponsored pro Ruth Edge for Your Horse Magazine

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My first MH togged up winter!



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