No!!! then what are you waiting for?… In their own words they are…
“An elite, hand picked group of outstanding athletes with highly talented steeds who at all times keep the horses between them and the ground…..
But seriously, #twittereventing is a group of event riders – of all levels -who met via Twitter, and who were keen to share thoughts and opinions on the sport we love. We aim to meet up at events where possible, and to support each other in our endeavours. There are no rules or restrictions but we try to keep it fun and informative. Please feel free to invite fellow event riders to join in if you think they would be interested in getting involved”
You can follow @TwittaEventing on Twitter or join the group on Facebook. It’s a great little online community for amateur eventers taking part in unaffiliated ODEs and British Eventing. The best bit is that it’s not just online as members also try to meet up at events to make new friends on the circuit. In addition to the camaraderie there are bargains to be had as the Twitter Eventing Admin Team regularly organise group discounts exclusively for TE members on a range of products and services.
If you want to make it known that you are a TE member you can also buy a sticky for your car/lorry, personalised base layers, and the latest TE branded jacket and gilet. I’ve just splashed out on a TE gilet so if you see me, say hi!