This recent wet weather makes being a horse owner less and less desirable, and collecting stamps instead more and more appealing!
I think I reached my limit with the constant rain when I arrived at the yard one weekday morning to find Dustry’s stable flooded and him stood on top of his floating rubber matting! Anyhow we try and battle on despite the weather, and even though it has been atrocious having the lorry and a local indoor to hire has been a godsend and helped us keep training going through the winter months.
I know all horse owners are in the same boat with winter woes so thought I would do a little picture round up blog so readers can get an idea of our winter so far…. don’t worry damp and disheartened horse owners of the UK, you are not alone 😉
Dustry is not keen on all the rainy weather either!
Instagraming those early mornings makes having to get up at 6am a little more bearable.
Weekend hacks on Cracker and Dustry are a highlight, being able to ride in the daylight is a luxury!
Dustry has boundless energy as it’s not possible to work him every day, so he’s having fun getting covered in mud and aimlessly galloping about
Most of our weekday early mornings or evenings are spent schooling under floodlights. It looks romantic but it’s bloomin cold!
Sometimes we wimp out and resort to hiring somewhere dry and undercover in order to practice more exciting things.
There is a glimmer of hope though, as the shortest day has been and gone, they evenings should start to draw out soon
The weather is also improving and for the first time this year I managed to take Dustry and Cracker for a lesson together. They are in love!
Here’s to a mega 2014, longer dryer and more productive days 😉
If you thought some of these shots looked professional, that’s because there were! The snazzy images above are courtesy of Katie Mortimore Photography