Cross country sat nav!


The very kind people at have given me 2 copies of their nifty xc course walk app, 1 for me, and 1 to give away to a lucky GHE fan!

If you have a smart phone this could be a real life saver, you can record your course as you walk it, take pics, of the jumps, then watch it back to jog your memory/learn the course, and it even gives you km markers so you can gauge your speed and location.

You can then share your course, and download new ones that have been shared by other users. For images of how the courses are recorded and more info

It also has all the BE dressage tests (and more!) from intro to advanced, and live score updates from BDWP and BE

This is what it looks like on on my iPhone 3GS – click images to enlarge

It really is a nifty little app, and at just £6.99 I would buy it for the BE dressage tests alone, as I constantly lose print outs so having them all on my phone is ideal!

If you would like to win a FREE copy of the app simply leave a comment below and I will pull a winner from the hat at the end of March! Winner will be announced on the blog – Good luck!

P.S. please check that you have a compatible phone before entering, for details about this

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