And the colour coordination goes on…

It’s my personal mission to colour coordinate as much of my riding gear as possible, at first it just happened by accident but now it has turned into a small obsession! I find myself scouting the high street, eBay, and various catalogues for dark green items to add to my collection so imagine my excitement when I found some dark green gloves on eBay! I quickly bought them and was patting myself on the back for finding such perfect cheap gloves, that is until they arrived…

The gloves I found were golf gloves and not being a big golf buff myself I had no idea they didn’t come in pairs! So back online to try and track down a right hand glove to match my left which was much easier said than done! In the end I had to settle for a ladies large left hand glove and a mens small right hand glove, it’s not ideal but it is dark green and they fit a treat so I’m very happy with my latest acquisition!

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