Introducing the latest addition to Team GHE…

*drum roll*…..say hello to ‘Dustry’ my latest ‘project pony’.

As well as producing and competing my own event horses I also bring on the odd ‘project’ from time to time. I look out for horses with a nice nature, good conformation and the potential to go far. In the past I have re-schooled ex-racers into sensible sane riding club horses, rehabilitated, and re-schooled a neglected Irish sports horse, and most recently a few years ago broke in and brought on a new forest pony broodmare. I really enjoy producing these ‘project horses’ and get a huge kick out of bringing them on, seeing them learn, understand, and progress. I’m proud to say all of my past projects are very happy, and doing well in their new homes, and I will be doing a follow up post on them soon to show you how far they have come.

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