Milton Keynes 3DE – Our 3 day event debut

It was a quick turnaround for Soap and I after 10 days at Rosie’s SJ Boot Camp we had just 3 days back at home to get ourselves sorted before we set off for our first 3DE! I met up with my sponsor Jonathan from Equine Premium the evening before and he gave me some promotional flyers to take and an Equine Premium cap to wear so with that and Soap’s ridiculous ‘on tour rider’ (Evian, only the red smarties, and fresh meadow grass) packed we set off. It was a few miles into our journey that I realised the pair of my Mother’s old shoes I had slipped on to load stuff from the house to the car were still on my feet! I just had to hope people were so mesmerised by my new hat they wouldn’t look down and notice the broken pair of docksiders I was sporting!

Secondly I am now very lucky to be sponsored by Crossgates, they produce natural remedies for animals and humans and I used 3 of their products across the 4 days to reduce swelling, stiffness, and to keep our nerves under control, and will definitly be using them for future competitions.

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